Tag Archives: Ben Gleib

Nate Ruess!

Hi y’all!  I am back!  I have been so busy and worn out that I just took a few days to get things together and now I am back.  I am glad to be back although this week will still be extremely busy.  Saturday I did 2.3 miles at work and shopping then I came home and walked for 40 minutes which made the total for the day 3.82 miles.  When I got home from work, and got my Mom’s groceries put away and the church decorated for VBS, it was almost dark but we went anyway.  Those hills really got me!  I huffed and puffed up that one that gets me all the time.  Mercy it was rough!   I even had a few second pause.  But I moved on.  My daughter told me I was huffing an awful lot, and I responded with I did though didn’t I and didn’t give up!  The second hill on the go back Saturday was ok.  I dealt with it ok.  When we got back we were sweating up a storm.  Literally.  I haven’t been that hot for a long time walking.  It seems like when I walk I don’t sweat much, but when we stop I sweat and it literally pours.  I thought your body was supposed to sweat to cool you off but I don’t get extremely hot when I walk contrary to how I feel most of the time.  I am not going to argue that but you would think you would sweat a bit.  Well I do but I guess the real sweat session comes after you stop.  I have been out of the loop of the hills now for a while.  I still get my time in, at work or whatever, but I think there are more benefits to walking, for a consistent amount of time, at once.  This week I will be able to get on that.  Also every week when I tell say I am going to crank down my carbs I end up not being home to do so.  This week though, I will.  Yesterday I rather well and had a small piece of pie for dessert.  Today has been well so far and I intend to keep that way, at least in my range that I try to hit.  Yesterday was church and I didn’t walk but we finished the decorating and I ended up doing 1.18 miles doing that.  It is good to take what I can get as far as walking goes when I can’t hit it like I need to.  This morning though, we did 43 minutes and 1.37 miles which will go up after VBS tonight I am sure.  That hill that gets me?  I puffed up it this morning and it wasn’t so bad.  Didn’t take so long to get back in the loop.  And the second one wasn’t too bad either. I powered up it and kept on going.  It did drizzle on us a bit this morning.  We saw our rabbit in a different place and we think it was another one.  And no bullfrogs tried to get us.  🙂  I guess that walking all the time is like riding a bike.  Once you get out of it for a minute, and when you start back up, it is like you never stopped.  I can really tell a difference.  Remember I said I wouldn’t huff and puff in Cincinnati?  I didn’t!  I hit that goal!  Now I guess I need to set another one.  I am torn between fitting in smaller pants or not huffing and puffing doing certain things.  I think I better stick with the huffing and puffing thing since I think that I need to be able to walk more and in better health than my pants size, but that is important too in order to hopefully stop diabetes before it starts.  Whew!

It seems like I feel better if I get my walk in every day.  I just cannot seem to get myself to relax.  It is like my muscles tense up and I cannot get them to wind down.  I don’t know if it is just me, or I just can’t seem to let go because I expect the hammer to drop on something or what.  I hope to get un-tired this week.  I can keep on wishing.  And this ignorant cold I caught, it has gone except for snot stringing down my throat.  That is driving me mad.  I hope that goes on too.  I do say with not smoking for as long as I have, colds are not as severe as they used to be.  Annoying still but not as bad.

We decorated Saturday and yesterday for our VBS at church. The theme is Underdogs of the Bible.  It will be a really good VBS.  Today I think we start with Joseph.  Jeffrey will be doing crafts.  If you are close we would love to have you come out.  It will be a good time!

And now we come to Nate Ruess.  My daughter, as you know, loves to do stuff and I usually get to help pick these things or suggest things.  So now we are going to see Nate Ruess, from fun. in September.  Oh that will be good!   I like several of fun.’s songs and I like his solo stuff.  It ought to be good.  Will of course post pics.  I wonder if he will sign afterward?  Will find out I guess!

I have had several  cool things on Twitter.  Of course, Idiotest interacts with me all the time and that is cool.  Wish I knew who was running that account, if it was Ben Gleib or someone else.  I may have to ask someday.  I have met several mom bloggers on there that I connect with and I thank all of them for that, and several blog retweeters that I really enjoy and I thank for retweeting me, including The Blog Centre and a few others. The Blog Centre mentioned me in their newsletter they sent out today.  You can read it here: Blog Centre. Thank you again for featuring me!!!  And Daniel Goddard, who plays Cane on the Young and the Restless favorited a tweet I sent to him.  So all that is cool.

I also better catch up the 30 day blog challenge.

Day 14–Do you have siblings?  Talk about them or what it’s like to be an only child.  I have a brother, that I have talked about many times.  He is the most awesome brother in the world.  He has had my back from day one, vowing to always look out for me no matter what.  When my Dad wasn’t around he did a good job of doing those things that he was supposed to do.  He has always helped me out and then some.  And an update on him, he got to come home Saturday and is doing very well after his surgery.  I am so thankful to God for that!  I would do anything in this world for him, and him for me.

Day 15–Tell us your favorite junk food.  Well believe it or not, I can take junk food or leave it.  With this diet, I don’t get much obviously.  If I had to pick one, I like Reese’s anything, and  I love cake but I am not sure you count that as junk food or dessert.  There is no junk food out there that I can’t live without but I guess my favorite would be pop.

Day 16–Your favorite Disney Princess movie.  Hmm.  I guess Beauty and the Beast.   That is my favorite one, went to see it in the theater when I was a kid.

Day 17–My thoughts on Ugg boots.  Not for me.

Day 18–Do you drink soda more often than milk?  I suppose I used to but I drink more tea and water than anything.

Day 19–The initials of your crush.  I am married so that don’t count.

The 30 day challenge is caught up.  If there is anything you want to know about me, or want me to blog about, just comment it to me.  I would love to answer things!  I think I will close it for now.  I need to get lunch and get ready to head to VBS.  Have a great day y’all!


Walking and Driving and Walking

Hi y’all!  Sorry I missed yesterday.  More on that later.  Yesterday I didn’t walk all at once but I did 2.45 miles yesterday and today with grocery shopping I did 2.83 miles total.  I think I feel so messed up again because I haven’t had my regular walk at once with my weights.  I had some stuff going on that I couldn’t but I will get back to normal tomorrow I think.  I also have to talk about eating.  Eating out on the go is a nightmare.  I finally ended up at a buffet today so I could meat it up and stop eating fries and excessive bread on sandwiches.  Next week I am going to tighten the carbs down and the portions. I knew that last week and this one I wouldn’t be able to because of being away from home with all the stuff going on.  But I will more than make up for it next week.  I don’t know why they dont’ have something in places specifically for low carb people.  Not everyone can eat the same.

I have notice this concept too.  No matter how much you try to dress and look good, you just cannot all the time no matter how hard you try.  There are always clothes that make you look like you haven’t lost a pound, or they look frumpy or something.  I have noticed that recently.  I can put on my black pants which are now leaning toward a dark gray and I look fabulous, and can tell I have lost weight.  I put on a regular blue pair and I look like a chub.  I can tell a difference obviously but my reflection sure can’t.  I hope to acquire some more black pants soon.  But if you remember, wearing black is my thing.  I just feel more confident in it regardless of my weight loss.

Yesterday and today both I was with a relative who had some major surgery.  More on that in the coming weeks.  I don’t want to talk about it yet until I know things are pretty well healed.  Anyway, I did much walking yesterday and today.  I had to.  I was tired of sitting.  I have sat so much last week driving to training and this week too waiting and driving that my legs and knees and things were all just locking up on me.  And I can feel the fat gathering on my rump so I have got to get back at it.  I know the circumstances yesterday and today prevented me from carrying on normally but the good thing is, unlike in the past, I am willing to hop back on my program the next day and proceed instead of giving up.  I am enjoying the feeling of walking and not breathing like a telephone breather, and my pants are smaller and the holes in my belt are getting further around it.  I am enjoying all that.  So anyway we walked yesterday and today several times through the hospital and I still didn’t find the morgue.  Found pathology, and a room by it that we thought was the morgue, but no.  Someday I will find it.  It was a good reason to walk like a mad woman through the hospital.  It is probably under my nose and I just didn’t see it.  Anyway, my relative that had the surgery is doing fabulously well and I thank all of you for the prayers.

This all brings me to this idea:  why as children do we have the notion that parents and siblings and other relatives are indestructible?  I have had a couple pass away in the last years, some of which I know were indestructible.  They were so indestructible that death should have never gotten ahold of them but it did.  They would take care of things for me, fight for me, fight icy roads for me, do anything in this world for me to help me.  And my relative that just had surgery, they were always thought of to be indestructible too.  But when someone had some issues and you see them in this way, it breaks your heart.  I guess even Superman had issues.  It is just amazing how things we think when we are a kid never leave us as an adult and then we wonder why.

Tomorrow I start back to my new/old job.  I have worked there before so this is nothing new as far as what the job entails and the clients who are there.  I do know I look forward to it.  I hate to admit that I missed the place or anything because admitting things like that shows a side of me that not too many people know I have.  But I did.  I am really glad to be back.  I know it is going to wear me out quite a bit but that will be ok.  I will get used to it.

So one thing again I always notice when I am out and about is how the highway always calls to my soul.  It seems that 37 doesn’t call to me as much as others do.  I guess it is because we are very familiar with each other.  I have a first name basis with 37, aka Indiana 37, aka I 37, etc.  I know it as 37.  It nods to me and speaks quietly, knowing it won’t be long before I grace its stripes with my presence.  I will see it Sunday when we go see The Fray and Train.  I will see it twice next week as I make two more trips to Indy and to Bloomington again.  It knows I am not gone long and therefore it saves me the indignity of being sought after and made miserable with its calling.  Yeah, I am a little weird.  But you gotta love me!  The same thing applies to the loop, 465.  It knows I will be back therefore it don’t try to entice me before I can make it back.  This is random but the last 2 days I have viewed several out-of-state cars.  I guess 37 called to them and they had to answer…..:)

I must catch up my 30 day challenge so here goes.

Day 4–Write about your closest friends.  I have a few close friends.  My bff is a guy.  Yes folks, my best friend in the whole world is a dude.  His name is Larry and we have been best friends for @#$Q$ years.  Ha!  I always like to say that but seriously for 25 years or so.  We have been through some stuff and some good times but we have always been there and will probably always will be.  Also there is Suzann.  I met her at VUJC.  She is like me, one of a kind and a character.  I love both of these guys to death and am very thankful they are in my life.   And there is Janet from Wisconsin.  I don’t get to see her too often but I would love it if she lived closer.  I think we would really be a big help to each other if she did.  And just hanging out more often too would rock.  Of course my husband, kids and brother and mom are my close friends too but you know I talk about them all the time.  🙂

Day 5–Tell us your three favorite colors.  Purple is my favorite color.  Hands down, fire engine purple is awesome.  I also love black.  Any and everything black can be found in my wardrobe, all the way down to black fingernails.  Yes, I love them.  I wore black nail polish when you could only find it at Halloween and stock up!  And the other one I would have to say is a fuschia type of color.  Yeah, I can deal with pink only if it is HOT pink.  Like WILD pink.

And now to the Twitter part of my blog.  Y’all know I love Twitter.  I have been able to meet and talk to people I otherwise would not be able to.  I do get invites to link up to blogs and I want to thank Iveth for that.  I will linking up as soon as I finish this blog.

Also y’all know about my obsession with Idiotest. I got a few favorites and a reply today! Whoo hooo! I love it! I just love knowing they will talk to you, you know?

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I just think that is so awesome!  It means a lot that they take time out of their day to acknowledge me, and that goes for anyone on Twitter.  Thank you all!

I think this is about it for tonight.  I am about beat and I need to rest for work tomorrow.  Have a great night, y’all!


Walking on an Off Day?

Hi y’all!  Today was supposed to be my day off walking but since I had some extra carbs at a family reunion I had to walk.  42 minutes and total for the day including walking at the reunion was 2.25 miles.  At our reunions someone always brings dumplings.  In case are not sure what that is, I will give you the basics.  You boil chicken to make broth, or you just start up some premade broth.  You add in a mixture of flour and butter or however you make your dumplings.  The ones I make are made from butter, flour and boiling water and are dropped from a spoon into the boiling broth.  The result happens to be a bowl full of deliciousness.  If you want the specific recipe I use, just holler at me.  Some people then shred the chicken back ito the dumplings or noodles but I don’t.  I love them and have loved noodles forever.  And being on a low carb diet it isn’t exactly on the plan.  But I had some and don’t regret it at all.  I think I walked it off.  Or I hope I did.  So we went walking late in the evening and it was HOT.  I left my church clothes on but I wish I had put on my shorts and tank top.  I used my weights as usual.  I did notice today in the shirt I wore that my gut isn’t as large.  Last time I wore that shirt all I could see was my gut sticking out when I stood.  Not so much now.  I see flatter.  I am by no means skinny or slim but I don’t mind this as I am a work in progress.  I also noticed for the first time that my sleeves had some gathers in it.  My arms before were too fat to see the gathers in the material  I have a pic I will post.  I am a work in progress, but I am seeing results.  A lady in church told me this morning that I look like I have lost a lot of weight.  Wow.  I am getting there and feeling better all the time. My glasses always make me look funny I think.   And let me tell you about the walk.

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The walk today–today is supposed to be my day off.  It just worked out that way.  I eat at the reunion and declare I have to walk this off.  So we did.  I payphoned my way up that hill, and I kept a steady pace and I seriously could tell a difference in how I got up it.  I took my break then I powered my way up the next one.  I miseried it up the other hill.  I slowed a little on that one but I powered up both of these hills and I am very impressed.  I haven’t been able to do it.  I followed my idea, sung my way up, and kept going.  Will this huffing up the one get better?  I sure hope so the more weight I get off.  I am by no means an exercise guru but I sure feel better and feel the need to do this as much as I can.  To think simple walking can do this to you!

The bugs were going nuts.  I put on bug spray and Jeffrey didn’t but they kept swarming with him.  I did see one huge bug that I swear was the same size as a hissing cockroach cross the road.  Or maybe it was a mole.  But it was funny whatever it was.

On our walk today we had two cars pass us in a row . One had some serious exhaust fumes that I thought were going to give me a contact buzz.  We had another one pass us on the way back. All these people just wanted to stop and stare and putter up the road.  Have they never seen fat girl trying to get skinny before?  I am not sure what the deal was but they moved on.  Odd.  The other day when Annie’s car broke down 6 cars went on by without asking if she needed help.  The 7th was the tow truck.  Odd how that works too.

At the end of our last hill my bunny came out and I was able to get a good pic of it.  I thank it too.  It is just a precious little critter.  Here it is.


You have heard me talking a lot about talking to people on Twitter.  I tweeted Ben Gleib again and he favorited my tweet!  I think that is just awesome!  I just spout out whatever it is I am going to say.  🙂


That is all for now.  I have to drive out for one more day of job training tomorrow.  I am about beat from last week.  Have a great night y’all!


Happy 4th of July!

Hi y’all!  Happy 4th of July everyone!  It has been a good day.  Early this morning I got my daughter up and we started our walking again at the right time of day. We did 41 minutes for a total of 1.37 miles.  We went shopping later at Wal-Mart and that added more for a total of 2.52 for the day.  I accidentally hit zero when I try to type this and I ended up with 2052 first. Ha! I did not walk over 2000 miles today.  I took my weights today again.  It was cooler and not many bugs were out.  We saw a bunny again today.  This just isn’t any bunny.  We see this bunny almost every time that we walk, no matter who is walking and what time of day.  I also slow down for it when I drive through there because it is like our buddy.  It is pretty and hangs out for a few when we see it but if we make a move to try to get close to it it runs.  As I have said before I love critters.  I came across a dead possum the other day and was like “Aww” when I saw it.  I am probably the only person to feel bad for a dead possum.  It has feelings and deserved to live like everything else.  Anyway, we came across a dead snake too.  Remember that funky colored pink snake that Jeffrey ran off the road a few blogs back?  (From https://pootsnotes.wordpress.com/2015/05/17/snakes-cats-and-snake-whisperers/) I think this had to be relation to it because it was right up the road and it was very bizarre colored, like a rose-colored on the bottom and a darker rose on top.  Very strange indeed.

My clothes are still loose and guess what?  I remembered to punch that hole in my belt finally!  My regular around the house clothes today showed me that my lower dunlopped gut is going away and my top one too.  Ha!  Remember the gut divisions on women who wear their pants higher?  Yeah, mine are getting smaller.  My backside too.  My chin is and I can tell a bit difference in my fat arms in the reflection when I drive.  So I am getting there.  I must continue on.  I also have learned this.  It helps to have something you want every so often so you don’t overeat in a fit of “I WANT THIS NOW.”  And the key there is avoidance until special occasions, and then moderation.  Don’t eat a whole bag of taters or a whole cake at a time.  It has been said it is good for diabetics to have sugar every so often.  So I am taking that idea and running with it too.  I also have declared that I won’t put all I lost back on from one piece of cake.  That is good.

We talked about her trip to the Catfish Festival last night.  I think she had a good time.  I used to be gung-ho for it when I was younger but now I don’t care if I go or not.  It isn’t all that interesting.  I am not even interested in the fireworks this year.  I am just truly worn out from all the travel last week and I have one more day of it Monday to finish up. . Hmpff.  Again, travel is funner when I follow what my soul is telling me to do.  I get to do that a week from Sunday.  We are going to see Matt Nathanson, The Fray and meet them, and Train.  Should  be good times!  Will also get some good walking in then too.  It won’t be on 65 but 37 to 465 is just as awesome!

My brother came down to do whatever for the holiday . We usually grill out but today we decided we wanted some pizza.  Our usual place wasn’t open so we just ordered from Pizza Hut.  We also had to stop at Wal-Mart so we can get him a cover for his tablet.  And we got cake.  As much as I have been dieting, we still decided to have cake.  This is random but I know I had been harping on diet pop having too much sodium.  I checked and one can only has 40 mg.  And get this!  We <GASP> used algebra with the info on the can to figure out the total daily allowance.  So a couple of cans won’t hurt anything as long as it don’t get out of hand.  It is easier to get caffeine when busy for sure. I don’t plan on overloading on it at all either.

So we ate, hung out at our Mom’s for a while, then came back to start the fire pit.  We had several good large flare ups but it didn’t stay burning.  So we watched Idiotest.  I have declared there were a few on there that made me believe I was an idiot.

Annie did pick the new 30 day challenge so I will start that today too.

Day 1–Your middle name and how you feel about it–My Mom had picked out two names, Stacey Arlene and Theresa Jan.  She asked my brother what he thought and he picked Stacey.  Thank God!  I do NOT look like a Jan.  So I am perfectly content with my middle name.

I have church in the morning so I am going to hit the sack soon, and I crazy couple of weeks coming up.  I need to rest as much as I can when I can.  Have a great 4th!  Happy Birthday America!  Night y’all!


Capsized Turtles and Twitter…Again!

Hi y’all!  Today we did 43 minutes and 1.32 miles which I added .47 more miles to when we ran out to town.  It wasn’t as hot today.  The wind was blowing a cool breeze so that felt good.  Made me think of Fall. I always start wanting it to be Fall right after my birthday.  Fall is my favorite time of the year.  I love how cool it feels, the feelings I get in the air of ghosts and things, and the awesome colors.  I can’t wait!  Anyway back to the walk–I walked with my walking weights again.  The hills are getting much easier.  I don’t huff and puff as much and on the return trip home,  I didn’t take any more breaks (in case you were wondering what happens when I blog, I have my huge cat sitting by the computer, stopping me every so often to scratch him and getting head bonks from him–his name is TB which is short for Tubby Butt but we call him Tubs–he waddled so cute when he was a kitten).   All of this is an accomplishment because I usually stop again when I go up the hill and today I didn’t.  Also I noticed that all the way through the walk the huffing and puffing is slowing down.  Yay!  I think that I said this before but when we walked around Indy I didn’t huff and puff at all!  I am getting there!  The clothes are still fitting better and that is awesome!  If I can do this, anyone can do anything!

After I got lunch fixed today for Derek we had to run out and get some medicine since I won’t have time next week to do much of anything other than drive and take training.  We went to the Family Dollar and decided to eat Chinese.  It was pretty good but I have to tell you about the vegetable lo mein.  When I got to it it was at the bottom of the barrel so to speak.  The stuff in the bottom is obviously closest to the heat and gets crusty fastest.  I went on and on about crusty lo mein.  Annie just died laughing every time!  I think she was just loopy from being up at work and then staying up but I laughed so hard at her laughing at me.  Good times!

Speaking of her, she was doing the 30 day blog challenge too and was asked who inspires her.  Here is her answer:

Day Four: Write about someone that inspires you.

Okay, well I just said a minute ago that my mom is crazy, but she is probably someone that inspires me. She also writes a blog that you can find here. She always tells me, you’ve got to get your blog done! And I try, but sometimes it doesn’t happen. But she inspires me in other ways, too. Sometimes I don’t know how she deals with some things that life throws her but she does. Some of the things, I don’t even think I could deal with them. But I applaud her for these things and it inspires me to not let anything get in my path of what I want to do. So she’s who inspires me most of the time.—https://anniebanannieee.wordpress.com/2015/06/27/its-saturday-already/  

Well that one was a bit of a shocker.  I do talk about my kids a lot and for the most part I know how they feel.  But I just plug along and never think that anyone really notices or even cares at times how hard things can be. I obviously know they care but on the same note apparently they notice more than I think they do.  I guess since we don’t always verbalize what we think, see or feel we assume that no one notices or cares.  It is hard when the world crashes around you to remember those things.  One thing that I know she is referring to is when Jeffrey had leukemia.  I don’t honestly know how I got through it other than God had me when I didn’t know Him like I do now.  I am thankful that I do because now He carries me through, sometimes with me kicking and screaming and not at Him, but at myself and the messes that creep up.  It is by God’s Grace that some days we make it through some situations that should just put you at your wit’s end and then some. Another thing I have noticed that I do is that other than not panicking much, I can find joy in the smallest of things during the most horrible of situations. A good meal, a good song, something odd I may see, or a smile can change one’s perceptions of the day and situation, even if it is just briefly, Just a brief mental break can make all the difference in keeping a positive outlook or not I have noticed.  I can truly find things around me to improve the day. Anything like that can really help make any situation better.  Sometimes it may take all day to find a bright spot, but they are there.  Remember, getting up for another day is enough to really change one’s mind because we were given that gift again.  Anyway, Annie I appreciate you thinking that much of me.  I do love you and Jeffrey with all my heart.  🙂

On the way home we came upon a turtle.  Not just a regular old box turtle either.  This was a baby snapping turtle!  We had to stop and move it out of the road.  It was sitting in a place that could have gotten it killed.  And no, I am not going to eat it.  I love food but there is something about eating reptiles that just would not agree with me.  Anyway, Annie got out and shooed it across the road.  It ended up being capsized at one point!  Poor old capsized turtle!  If that is the worst thing that happened to it during its lifetime, then that is ok.  I just couldn’t let it get killed.  I should have took a video or something but I didn’t.

I have really gained the views.  I am up to 748 views on my blog and I thank you all for that!  I also have 41 people subscribed now and I thank you all for that!  Please read and leave comments!   I love any feedback!

Another thing on the 30 day writing challenge–I will do a few tonight.

Day 11:  Write something that you think “What if….” about.   I have often thought about that with several things in my life.  I don’t think about it too much because I firmly believe that things happen as they are supposed to.

Day 12: Write about five blessings in your life.  1. My God that saved me.  2. My family–that is all of them–husband, kids, brother, Mom, uncles, aunts, in-laws.  3. God’s timing. 4. The wonderful things that happen to me.  5. The not so wonderful things that happen so I will know the difference and appreciate the good more.

Day 13: What am I excited for?  A good meal, the fact that I am losing weight, an upcoming concert, and making money again.  And seeing who will talk to me on Twitter.  🙂

Day 14: Post your favorite movies that you never get tired of watching.  There is one for sure, and that is Ghostbusters.  I love it, will watch it a million times in a row, and almost have it memorized.  Gone With the Wind; The Fugitive; Star Wars; anything with Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase, John Candy; Christmas Vacation; Ghostbusters II and a few more but I can’t recall those right now.

Back to Twitter again. This morning one of the places that I have retweet my blog named me a top blogger pick of the day.

Thank you again We Tweet Blogs for that honor!!

You all know how much I love Idiotest.  This was the conversation this evening.

There are many people out there following Idiotest and Ben Gleib and they take the time to talk when I tweet at them.  I just think that is awesome and if you by chance are reading this, thank you so much!

I believe that is all I have for today.  I need to get some sleep.  Church tomorrow and some more work so I can get to training successfully Monday.  Ribs are on for tomorrow.  MMMMM….Have a great night y’all!

Twitter and New Job!

Hi y’all!  Today we did 1.42 miles and 43 minutes.  This afternoon we had to run out to the store and that added an additional .83 miles for a total of 2.25 miles for the day.  That is great!  It was hot this morning!  No rain close to moving in so the coolness wasn’t there.  When I got back I had sweat pouring.  I used the weights again today.  They seem like they are really helping.  I am really grooving on my walking although next week I will have to alter the time I walk.  More on that later.  I know how much important exercise is and I want to do more of it and if I can’t then I want to be sure to do the parts that I always need to do daily.  I wish I had figured this out several years ago.  I guess maybe it wouldn’t have worked as well had I not started it now. The hills are getting easier and I am able to go up and down with little to no stopping.  I still huff and puff and talked all the way up one this morning but I made it.  I think all things are in God’s Hands and they all happen for a reason at the right time and place.  You remember, Rob Thomas concert?  You get it.  This is one of those things too.  I am very thankful that I get to get myself on track before it is too late.  Thank You God.

I have been buying some sugar-free cookies.  I know they aren’t totally LOW carb but I want something sweet every once in a while and they work well.  At least there are more varieties out there than many years ago when my uncle was diagnosed with diabetes.  That stuff was almost unheard of.  I don’t think it hurts to have on every so often.

I got the call today that my background check had gone through and I can start training Monday. Can I even call this a new job since I am basically returning to work?  Not sure.  I am supposed to bring my high school diploma but of course I can’t find that but I can use my Bachelor’s degree diploma. That is kind of cool.  This is awesome that I can train now instead of at the end of July but it would happen on a week when I didn’t have much extra money.  I would be the only one who has had the fastest background check in the history of background checks.  I am thankful though because I do know and have always known no matter what mood I was in that God’s plan will work out just how it has to.  I am really glad to go back and do something.  I haven’t worked since I lost my job when Jeffrey was sick.  I had been finishing my college and now working on my Master’s degree but I have forgotten a part of who I was.  I was never one to sit around and stay home.  I have always wanted to find a good job and when I get finished with school I know there will be a job that will knock my socks off.  Guess one way to get to that is to get back in the workforce and break the unemployed streak.  I thank my friend Martha for that.  I told her today when I go to training I will have to remember that I am not heading to a Reds game since that is the way we go.

Speaking of that, being landlocked in Indiana does have one advantage.  Where we live at we are only a few hours away from several huge cities.  Indy, Bloomington, Cincinnati, Louisville, Lexington, Evansville, Springfield  and even Chicago is only a few hours away. That list isn’t the all-encompassing list either as there are others just close too but ones I don’t normally think of like Columbus OH and stuff like that.  Just an FYI Alabama is only 6 hours away and St. Louis is about the same as Chicago and I could make New Orleans by nightfall.  I have always thought that nothing happens here.  Well, no, if you are old enough to drive, there are a variety of things that go on that is just a short distance away.  Chicago and Lexington would be the farthest but if something is awesome enough to go there for, then I am staying the night and making a day or two of it.

Twitter has been a source of interesting things for me since I have been being more active there and blogging.  One of the things that I have found interesting is the amount of accounts that will retweet your blog.  If I went over all of them I would be here all night. I want to thank every one of you who have done something to promote my blog for me.  One stands out with me.  They were one of the first places to promote my blog and put me in their directory . Today I received their newsletter in email and they had my article about Rob Thomas featured in it.  I just wanted to thank you, Blog Centre, for always promoting my stuff!  I appreciate it so much!  I think I may take a while in a future blog to thank everyone who does promote my blog.  Again, thank you all so very much!

Twitter also has been a source of being able to talk to celebrities.  Here are some things that happened just this week.  I always seem to talk to Ben Gleib and Idiotest, and I have a couple of those. They like my posts even if they don’t respond or tweet it out there.

Last night Under The Dome came back on.  Jeffrey just loves this show.  I noticed that Dean Norris, who is a fabulous actor, was tweeting, I sent him a tweet and he responded!  How cool is that!  Check it out:


By the way I think Rob is following me.  He was singing on the radio at Walmart.  That was awesome!  

More of the 30 day challenge–I think I need to start on day 10 today.  It says to write about something that I feel strongly about.  Ok–I can do that.  

Day 10–Pets.  Animals in general.  I love them all.  I have always had pets since I was a kid.  My first dog was a dog named Fudge and another named Jack.  Jack stayed with us for many years.  I also had chickens, one that I named Pet.  It was a Rhode Island Red and it was beautiful.  I have had ducks for pets, so tame that they come running when they hear me.  I had turkeys too but they were mean.  I didn’t mess with them much.  I lived on a farm but I didn’t mess with the pigs much because the sow was always mean and didn’t mess with the cows much either because I guess they didn’t want me to get kicked or anything.  I have had many cats and things and at once time when I was a kid I kept a duck and a hairy legged chicken I named Goofy in the house.  I loved them all and still do.  I do believe that one of my regrets is that I don’t have room enough to save them all.  I have many now and they are all so precious to me.  I follow a bunch of pet pages on Facebook and I can’t hardly take it when one passes away or I hear tell of them being abused on the news.  The only movie that I have ever watched that made me cry was Marley and Me.  Anyway, I feel strongly about animals and loving them and they deserve our love and care.  

I will continue from there tomorrow.  I am beat, and I have a whole day of laundry to do tomorrow so I will have clothes for next week. . I am also making some adjustments to my new layout so let me know how that looks now.  Y’all have a great night! 


Best Birthday EVER!

Hi y’all!  I have taken two days off from writing, and I need to catch up.  Saturday we did a shorter walk, 47 minutes 1.89 miles, because company was coming.  I used the two-pound weights.  I didn’t care for those because they aren’t made of the mushy stuff and my sweat just beaded up and made them slick.  Annie said the next time I could just use her set of one pound ones together with mine and walk that way.  And talk this way….ha!  Hope y’all got that.  Anyway, I did that today but more on that later.  While walking we heard something snorting at us in the woods and on the other side of the road something that sounded like metal falling.  Odd.

We grilled out Saturday for our anniversary.  We have been married 17 years now.  It was a rare occasion for Derek and I both to be home at the same time for it but we were.  We grilled out corn, taters, burgers and dogs.  My brother, my best friend of (it will remain unnamed) many years Larry was here, and Annie’s friend Cody from work came out.  We had a good time, food was good and Larry and Derek played music.  We refuse to say how many years we have been best friends.  Just one of those things, ha!  I am sure they all got tired of me hashing out the Rob Thomas concert but they never said a word.

In the afternoon we had to make a birthday cake run.  The next day, the 21st, was my birthday.  I was born in the daytime which in my opinion is pretty odd.  Guess that explains me.  Ha!  We ran to Wal-Mart.  On the way there I played the concert for my brother to hear.  With our VIP pack we got a bracelet that gave us a code to be able to download exclusive content.  That content was the whole Indy show!  I am so thrilled to have a copy of it!  It has some new stuff on it that I will get another copy of as soon as the album comes out.  And it is just awesome because for me I remember what I was thinking and feeling at every moment during the show.  The sound quality is awesome too.  Anyway, I played that all the way to Wal-Mart and home and he thought it was pretty awesome.  Also we framed our signatures.  I will add a photo below.  I will also re-add the link to the video of him signing it for me since it was messed up the last time.


Another couple of observations about our show.  The lady who kept trying to get us to notice her apparently didn’t realize she was in the presence of greatness–Rob Thomas.  I did.  🙂  Also, there weren’t any scalpers or people trying to buy tickets out front of the venue.  I was glad.  I don’t like stuff that is annoying and that is.

We get to Wal-Mart and are faced with the dilemma of what cake to get.  We both don’t need it, but birthdays only roll around once a year so we did anyway.  We got the chocolate and the white one.  I had to have the flower piece, of course, because that is what we do when it is your birthday.  The birthday person of course gets the flower.  Do I believe that having some cake is going to rimrack my diet?  No.  Do I believe if I eat that every day in some capacity or another it will?  Yes.  Absolutely.  So I have enjoyed it now, and I am good.  I even bought some pop to have over the weekend and  I didn’t have that.  There is some debate over whether diet pop is good for you with the aspartame or not.  I stand on that without an opinion. I use sweetener in other stuff, and in the water flavors.  I guess it is as healthy as a chemically created compound can be, but when you are trying to fight off diabetes to keep it from developing, sugar is the enemy.  I guess we do trade one evil for another but I have noticed that you don’t consume sweetener as readily as you do sugar.  I guess that is a plus.  Or I should say I don’t.  I did notice this too.  After not eating sugar for almost 9 weeks, since this starts week 9 of the diet and week 8 of exercise,  I sure did get a bit stoned on the sugar from the cake.  Ha!

So my brother and I planned some stuff that we want to do soon.  One thing is in September Annie and I have a concert in Lexington Kentucky.  On the way home, we are going to see if we can take a tour of Waverly Hills in Louisville.  (Bear with me as I know some of this is a repeat.)  I mentioned to him about going to the concert and to Waverly.  He is going to go with us and hang out in the hotel and work while we go see the show.  That will be awesome!  Having him along is a hoot.  He acts about like I do, or rather I act like him since he is older.  The kids act like me.  You see the pattern here. For example, Annie stopped me this morning on our walk, pointed, and said branch, and took off walking.  There was a tree branch in the road and she apparently felt she needed to point it out to me.  I am really happy with how they both have turned out so far and with how they act, which is more and more like me every day. More on that later.

The next day, the 21st, is my birthday.  As you already know, Annie gave me tickets to Rob Thomas, second row, which ended in a meet and greet with an autograph.  That was a dream come true!  My Secret Sister at church gave me a Denny’s gift card, which is my favorite restaurant, and two light up yard spinners!  They are awesome!  Later that afternoon, Annie couldn’t sleep so she blogged then she randomly tweeted to Rob Thomas.  Here is what she said.

About three minutes later she came running out of her room and told me to look.  She was absolutely flabbergasted.  This is what I found.

I almost come undone.  She almost come undone.  Rob Thomas took time, again, to talk to his fans.   I just think more of him every day.  I knew when I first heard him that he was awesome and now I have proof.  Thank you again Rob, if you ever happen to read this.  Two of your biggest fans are in Indiana.  You sure made my birthday rock!

Annie and Jeffrey both are two of the greatest kids ever.  She went out of her way to get those tickets, wait with me to get the autographs and then try to get him to tell me happy birthday.  Jeffrey was talking to me this morning and told me that he can tell I am losing weight but I was just fine the other way too.  He has a heart of gold.  I wouldn’t trade them for anything. They both deserve son and daughter of the year awards.

And we can’t forget Ben Gleib last week told me happy birthday too.  I also had so many birthday wishes on Facebook that I couldn’t keep up with them.  This birthday has been one of the best ever.  They are all good knowing I made it another year and spending it with family.  This one was just totally special.  I just want to say thank you all to everyone who made this birthday a special one!

Today was back to normal, sort of.  We walked this morning, 1.71 miles and 54 minutes.  We shortened it a bit today.  That thing was still snorting at us in the woods.  Originally thought it was deer humping (ha go ahead and laugh) but if they are still going strong after three days…..well that isn’t it.  My Mom said it was most likely a mama deer with a baby.  My uncle apparently tangled with one of those once.  I decided I didn’t want to tangle with that so we went another way.  On the other way we decided that maybe it was a Bigfoot.  We were then trying to figure out what we would do if we found one or what the Bigfoot hunters would do.  That is one question I would ask.  Once you find one, what are you gonna do with it?  I am not sure if they are friendly or not so this may take some thought.  Some states say it is illegal to shoot one, so that is out.  I hope it is a friendly one.  Like I said, as long as it lets me take pics, I am cool.

So we changed routes and went back down the hill and up and then back up again.  I had no issues with huffing and puffing too bad or breathing in general or dizziness.  That is good.  Tomorrow we are going to do the same thing again and see how it goes.  I want to work up to going to the crossroads here, which is down a smaller hill, up a large one, down a dip and back up and then you are there.  Once I get that, then I want to walk to circle, around the neighborhood.  I will get there.  For whatever reason we think that walking the hills is much better for us.  We like to believe that it works the guts and the butt more.  And the legs too of course.  I just want to get more of that burn in because it helps.  I also took a handful of two one pound weights and walked with those in each hand.  That still seems to be doing some good.  Lots of good really.  Still been hot, still really buggy in the mornings. That one stupid bug seems to like to fly in, land, and be obnoxious but only on the pavement part and only in a specific part of the woods.  I am going to look it up and see what it is and what repels it.  If it says to wash in tomato juice I would be tempted to just to repel it.  The dragonflies thought have disappeared too.  I rarely see one of those anymore.  I still plan on Googling them I just haven’t yet.

Our deep freeze has gone on the fritz.  I am not sure how we will handle that but we will figure out something.  I am about all typed out for today.  I have much more but I can catch up tomorrow again. Y’all have a great night!


Thursday Ramblings and Other Stuff

Hi ya’ll!  Today we walked 2.4 miles for 1 hour.  During our walk we rehashed the Rob Thomas concert.  I will be talking about that one for a long, long time.  Y’all will probably get tired of it but I hope not.  It was good times.  My dream sure came true.  Then we also hashed out the other shows we are going to this year.  An interesting side note, we both tweeted to Vinyl Station who opened for Rob and they responded and liked our tweets!  That is cool!

So I walked with my walking weights today.  They are only 1 pound each but tomorrow I think I am going to take my regular 2 pound weights.  I seem to be toning the arms up so I need to increase the weight.  I also was so surprised because I didn’t huff and puff at all Tuesday while walking in 80 some degree weather, and at one point talking on the phone!  That was cool.  Again the exercise is paying off and apparently in other ways too.  One of the ladies at church told me last night that she can tell I am really dropping the weight.  Awesome!  That made me feel pretty good when some days I feel like I am getting no where at all but I know it is paying off.  Just have to remember what my aunt told me and that is again how I feel compared to now as opposed to how I felt before.  I can tell a difference in endurance of activities and things like that too.  Standing too long and walking too long still cause some significant pain in my sciatic area and in my foot and leg, but that I hope will ease after I get some more miles logged and some more weight off.  And next week will start week 9 of diet and 8 of exercise. That many weeks in of exercise and I can tell a huge difference in how I react to stuff!  Side note too, Rob’s concert t-shirt fit very well and it is a size smaller than I normally wear.  It is either extra big or I am getting smaller.  I like to think it is both.  I forgot my dadgum bug spray this morning so the bugs were thick.  There is one specific bug that just lights, hangs on and bites away.  I don’t know what it is but I am gonna knock it into next week if it don’t go on with itself.  And when it bites it draws blood!  Argh.

My dieting all seems normal to me now.  They say 22 days to become a habit.  Ok, I can buy that.  I feel like less carbs, making sure of the carb count, water with flavors, tea with sweetener instead of sugar, it all seems normal to me now.  I am used to it and wouldn’t have it any other way.  I have also switched my flavor for the water again and have been drinking pink lemonade.  I have had Wyler’s and Wal-Mart’s and I have to tell you I like Wyler’s better I think.  They are both good choices because they are sugar-free without carbs.  The sweetener that I use in my tea has a carb or two per serving.  I have decided to keep my carbs at 20-30 a day.  I think that is a good amount.  I still stopped the bread at home.  That hasn’t bothered me in the least.  Not sure why I thought of this but I do have a sugar-free cake and icing here.  I may see if  we can make that tomorrow for our cookout Saturday.  Yes I am grilling Saturday for our anniversary Saturday and the birthday Sunday. Yummy!  With that in mind we have been cleaning all day and will finish it tomorrow.

We actually got the VIP pack for the show which came with a USB bracelet with recordings on it and some other stuff.  It wasn’t ready to be sent before the show so it will be here tomorrow.  Can’t wait to see what other kind of cool Rob stuff they sent.

One thing Annie and I discussed on the way to Indy was the idea that when objects age they are old but people aren’t. Such as, I am going to be 39 on Sunday.  Most people consider that young.  If I would be a car, I would be considered old. Not sure exactly how or why that is but we can’t figure it out.  Any ideas?

I learned this the other day about WordPress.  If you link to your Twitter or Facebook, WordPress counts those as followers. I disconnected that so I can see how many I really have.  Odd that it does that.

There were a couple of annoying things that happened Tuesday. I didn’t want to write them yesterday but that was an awesome blog I did if I do say so myself.  Most of the time it is parking, or things like that but no issues there.  This don’t fall in that category but on our trek to downtown Indy I saw a dude digging in a trash can for food.  He dug out what was in there and took off with it.  I was just in shock.  Makes one think that is for sure.  Anyway, at the venue, things there went well before the show.  As I said yesterday we were first in, first to get shirts, got a pop and got to the seats.  The security guard harassed us but hey, he was a hoot. After the show started and Plain White T’s were on, Annie yelled at me to get my purse.  Some one with brilliance spilled their beer on the floor and it was running everywhere.  Eww.  I don’t drink and I sure don’t want to smell like beer all the way home.  So we had to stand in that the whole time.  It was sticky and hard to move in it.  But Rob was worth it but if I could have found who did it I wouldn’t have been able not to either throttle them or pour a cup of beer on their feet.  The lady in front of us kept dropping her glasses and her phone and stuff in it.  She was a story in herself.  She kept turning around, blabbing, wanting us to look at her and talk to her.  Sorry lady, we paid to see Rob, not your lit self.  Those were about the only things that were wrong.  Insignificant really but annoying all the same.

This is an interesting thing.  You would think that driving after dark in a place you aren’t too familiar with even with Siri directing you would freak you out, but it didn’t me.  I don’t know, I guess I am just used to driving in Indy.  Not sure why that struck me as odd but it did.  Or even occurred to me at all at this point.  When leaving Cincinnati in the dark though and going through Louisville that is a bit nerve-wracking.  But I manage.  That is where that was coming from I guess.

Oh and the pepper spray!  I bought some pepper spray that would fit on a key ring back in February.  I have never used it or needed to thank God so I told Annie I wanted to be sure it worked.  I flipped it, aimed it toward my car and let out a little quirt.  She took off running, I turned to see why and I saw why–the stuff was way away from us and it burned your nose! Just the fumes was burning the nose!  I ended up sneezing it out but goodness.  If I had to actually use it I would have to hold it far away or run to keep from dousing myself.  But it is good to know it works.

Another interesting thing– I tweeted to Ben Gleib and to Idiotest yesterday about the next show on last night.  They both favorited it and then Ben Gleib quoted it!  Awesome!

But it gets better!  Today was his birthday so I tweeted him and told him happy birthday and how it was a good week for birthdays because mine was on Sunday.  He told me happy birthday!  Just how awesome is that!

Also we tweeted to Vinyl Station since they opened for Rob.  They liked our tweets and responded to Annie.  That is awesome too!

I think this is all I have for today. Have a great night!


Walking and Bugs, Grilling and Bugs, Idiotest and no Bugs

Hi y’all!  We got our walk in this morning, 56 minutes and 2.1 miles.  It was hot.  No jogging it was so hot.  We did resume with our weights and Annie was half mad because she said she couldn’t swat the bugs away with the weights on her hands. It was buggy too.  It has been buggy all day. There were bugs of all sorts, things I don’t even recognize but no dragonflies.  I haven’t looked that stuff up on dragonflies yet but hopefully when I do I can learn if they avoid heat.  More on buggy later.  It was hot enough early this morning that I was huffing and puffing up the hills.  I don’t like days like that.  I also don’t like it when you stop you sweat like a water spicket, or I guess spigot is the correct term although spicket I like better.  Ha!   But during our walk, spiders had strung webs across where we had just walked at I know at least in 3 places.  I had to knock all those out-of-the-way on the way back through.

Our talk this morning consisted of telling Annie how Derek and I got together and how to figure out if that person likes you and how to approach asking them if they do or if they want to hang out or something.  She asked how I got to the point where we got together and how we figured all that stuff out.  Well here it is.  I told her I didn’t remember the exact moment of how we decided to go out, but now I believe someone may have mentioned it to him or something and we did have a mutual friend involved somehow and I don’t remember all of that but I do remember he asked me to the movies or something.  Someone else at one point had encouraged me to ask him to go eat or something too.  This was in late 96.  Annie had just turned 1 and when she met Derek she ran up to him and held her hands up wanting him to pick her up.  Kids know, you know.  🙂  So we went out then and we just didn’t click or something.  Later on, in February of 97, I ended up wrecking my car.  That was a sad story and I will tell that another day.  That was on a Wednesday, on Friday the 13th we ended up getting back together and somehow we figured out that this was what was going to work.  I know there was outside interference in a good way, friends encouraging me and him both to get together which was nice.  But we had to make that connection ourselves.  It took a while but here we are, 18 1/2 years together and in 9 days we will be married 17 years.  We were married the day before my 22nd birthday.  Back to back celebrations there.  This year I am going to grill out on my anniversary for both the birthday and anniversary.  And go next week to see Rob Thomas.  5 days!  5 days!  I am so excited I could jump up and down.  Ha!

We also discussed again how to get her a car.  Or a truck.  We are just going to have to go and look. We discussed the cost of repairs and how some brands are rumored to cost more to fix than others.  We also talked about a car that I traded in many years ago that I wished I still had.  It was a 1990 GMC Jimmy and I wish I still had it.  It would go in any weather anywhere.  The odometer stopped in it at 185180 or something and I drove it 3 1/2 more years after it stopped and I KNOW I had to roll that over a million miles.  It was one of the best cars I have had.  The one I have now is awesome too because it used to be my aunt’s and she gave it to me when she got sick, before she passed away.  It has more value to me than any other car I have owned and I know she smiles down from Heaven knowing that the main reason I love the car is she gave it to me.  Well SUV rather.  I can’t get my tall self in a car successfully.  I look like I am doing some sort of watoosie getting in and out.  OMG that got even funnier because WordPress wants to correct that to tootsie  Yeah, I did a tootsie getting in and out of the car!  Hahahahaha!!!!!

Speaking of grilling, I grilled lunch today too. Hot dogs and potatoes and that was a few too many carbs but that is ok because I haven’t had potatoes for a while. That was after I ran out to pay a bill and get a new battery for the riding mower that Bill gave us.  So we got home with that and it started right up and ran but the cord melted against the battery and that got all messed up but with my uncle’s help we got it unscrewed.  The yard has been manicured pretty well.  We just have some trimming to be done but that depends on the rain and what time we finish running errands tomorrow.

Back to the grilling, it was hot hot hot outside grilling today. There was very little breeze walking today, and we usually always have a breeze on certain parts of the road, and definitely not when I was grilling. And it got buggier!  Derek must have stirred up the bugs when he mowed.  They were swarming and biting and just everywhere.  I told my aunt about sitting out in the bugs and she didn’t think I needed to be getting bit so much with them.  I will have to get some bug spray because they do annoy me.  The kids are going to an amusement park Sunday so I will get the sunscreen for them.  Shouldn’t be too buggy though there.

I have just noticed that I have 30 followers on here.  That may not seem like much but thank you!  I hope to get more eventually so please follow!  I promise I won’t be boring and if I am, I am open to suggestions.  🙂  And I just gained another as I write this blog!  Thank you!

I tweeted to Idiotest and Ben Gleib again today and Idiotest favorited my tweet!  I think that is just awesome that they take the time to respond like that.  I am sure they will hear from me a lot!  Ha!

On our drive today and on any drive, I like to listen to music and pretty loud.  It is one of life’s little pleasures that I just delight in.  When I do that, I tend to think.  It is actually a method to creative thinking, which I had a class on last semester that I just loved!  Anyway, when I can drive and blast music, or even sit at home and blast music, I can get down with all sorts of creative nutty thoughts.  I had three today, and they are more like ponderances and things I don’t have an answer for. I actually got an answer for one of them today.  The county that brings the water lines to our house, there is a river between here and there.  I wanted to know how they got around that.  I had to pay the water bill today so I asked. They went UNDER the river.  The lady explained that they drilled under the river with something that acts like a protective cover to the water lines and then they run the water lines through.  That is pretty cool!  These next two I don’t have a clue about.  How do women who faint at the sight of blood deal with that time of the month?  Good question and I have never got an answer for it.  This last one has stumped me all my life and especially now being adult I still don’t know.  How do teachers who have three months or so off every year make it?  Here is my logic–I know from my experiences just making it is tough let along saving money when bills are due.  Running with that concept, how do they save up?  I also hear that some aren’t paid that great.  Also I know that unemployment wouldn’t start until about the time they start back to teach so that may not work.  How does that work?  These may seem silly to some people but they are things I have no answers for!

We got the grass mowed and now we can fire up the fire pit at any time!  I am truly excited about that.

Our kitten is silly.  It was sitting on my shoulder, where it hangs out at, and starting biting and chewing on my face!  And it loves to chew on my necklace which I have to hide from it all the time.  I think it is just silly.  It finally settled down and went back to sleep.  It usually sits on my shoulder when I type but it is up and running around tonight.

Day 5 of the 30 day writing challenge–List five places I want to visit.

1. New Orleans—been there but I am itching to go back!

2. New York—have wanted to go there since I was a kid.

3. Canada—no where specific, just to Canada.

4. Ireland–the mother land. I have some Irish in me.

5. Waverly Hills in Louisville–We are planning on stopping there on our way back from Lexington in a few months.

So there is that.  We have errands to run tomorrow, and I am sure it will turn out to be a bloggily beautiful day!  Have a good night!  Drop me a line or comment or something, would love to hear from y’all!


Today Was AWESOME!

Hi y’all!  Today we did 56 minutes and 1.82 miles.  It feels so good every day to walk!  When I said yesterday that I really need to do this every day and not miss it because it bothers me if I do, I was serious.  It also has a lot to do with the company that I have on the walk too.  Yes, with my daughter, and I love our little talks and things.  We were talking about a variety of things today but I still think I am going to add an additional PM exercise to my routine, and we had thought about commandeering Jeffrey to walk with me in the PM for a while.  I haven’t added anything to the PM yet because I tend to get busy in the evenings.  I will have to do like I have the morning walks and just make time.

I truly notice that I have more energy and I don’t get as tired as I used to.  It is easier to walk and do things now than it has ever been and I really look forward to see how much better I will feel when I get another 20 pounds off!  One way I notice that I have more energy is that when we come in from our walk, unless it was absolutely roasting outside, I come in and don’t even have to sit down and rest.  I just keep moving on into whatever it is that I need to do.  That is pretty impressive considering that a few weeks ago I was huffing and puffing.  Also, Monday will start week 7 of diet and week 6 of exercise!  I can do this and get it together!

I also changed my eating times and that has helped too.  I have been successful with dropping the toast in the mornings and also when I eat at a function or something I can eat a reasonable amount and stop.  I have also noticed that my appetite is regulating too.  That is a blessing for sure!  I have this thing whipped!  I know I will succeed this time with getting healthy, without a doubt!

I am sure my post yesterday made a few of you wonder about my sanity.  Let me assure you, boredom leads to many things and so does creativity. Sometimes I think that boredom and creativity both border on craziness.  I come up with all sorts of stuff that I really ought to write in books.  And for those who were wondering, we did name a new Leaf today, Leaf 3.0.  Anyway, one of our conversations today was about arguments, and specifically what a mini argument entailed.  I was not aware that the term for a mock argument was a mini argument.  It is apparently when you and your friends argue back and forth, but it is only acting silly and like you are arguing but not really arguing.  Ok. I have done that forever with my friends being silly but I guess it is called something else by everyone these days.  Just goes to show I am not the only one reinventing and renaming things that people have done for decades.  🙂

Speaking of my daughter, I hope she gets her picks done for the Liebster award.  I loved having to look over all the new blogs and stuff that are out there.  I spend so much time trying to find places to list my own and I keep forgetting to find new ones to follow and read.  I need to do that more.  I just love the idea that the people who are reading my blog are growing.  I gain a few more followers every day!  Thank you to all who follow and read my blog!

Our cats have almost stopped walking with us.  Zippy was coming with us today but got scared home from traffic.  Jetty doesn’t go much anymore but when we get back, he does run out from the driveway to meet us.  He is so cute–he looks like a big lion running down the road!  He has a different colored mane under his chin, if you will, and he is just cute!  And speaking of cats, Annie’s new cat, Dallas, had made itself at home and climbed up and on my shoulder, and now it is hanging out on my lap . Yes we are critter lovers!  Here is Dallas.  Dallas is just a little bitty baby, but is weaned.


One exciting thing that happened today was I have my first Bloglovin follower! Thank you for that!

Now for another exciting part of the day!  Anyone other than me watch Idiotest?  I absolutely love that show!  Some episodes I’m an idiot, others not so much.  I decided this morning that I would tweet to Ben Gleib and tell him how much I loved the show.  And guess what?  He responded and favored my tweet!  Absolutely made my day!  Then just a bit ago Idiotest tweeted to me too and favored my tweet!  Holy smokes! My day really was made!  I was out there retweeting these things and was so wound up I spelled his name wrong and had to retweet it later.  I thought, man, I am truly spelling like an idiot. But I did get to correct it!  Anyway, here is a screenshot of all of it.

Screenshot (29)

Just how awesome is that!!!  Really made my day.  Thank you Ben Gleib and Idiotest!

I better hush for the night.  I have my end of the year paperwork for church to send in.  Y’all have a great night!
