Tag Archives: Impractical Jokers

Rob Thomas! Impractical Jokers! Weight going DOWN!

Hi y’all!  I know it has been a while!  While I have been gone I have been working the new job.  Still loving it!  They truly do make me feel like I am welcome and definitely don’t make me feel like I am a new hire.  All those are good things in a job!  I walk a lot there.  A LOT.  It is mostly spinning circles but it is there.  I kept my phone in my pocket the other day, and one day I walked almost 5 miles and yesterday, Monday, it was almost 6!  I am not sure but I think this will be doing me some good.  Does anyone have an opinion about that?  I am beat by the time I get home and walking for another half hour is almost out of the question. I have decided to start doing sit ups before bed and when I get up.  When I get up may not happen this week, but the before bed is.  I have been needing to do some toning like this anyway so I hope that that along with the excessive walking will keep it going.  On days when I am not at work, I plan on walking.  That may be only one or two days a week at this point. I am also cutting down how much I eat.  I have been eating a few carbs but I don’t overload on them and try to stay within my 20-50 a day.  If I go over 1 or 2 it is ok.  I had been drinking sweet pop and tea at work only so I could have some caffeine since I go in at like 7 in the morning, but I cut that out this week.  I am taking my water flavor packets and putting it in tap water.  That water stays so cold in the foam cups at work.

But, BUT, I had to take Jeffrey to the doctor last week and I am down 35 pounds!  35 since April!  Holy cow!  I did this by walking, cutting carbs, cutting sugar out completely, and drinking water.  I will tell y’all though, I have had some cake and things along as I go.  I think 35 in 4 months isn’t too bad if y’all ask me.  I made the commitment to do this and I am going to until I get to where 1. I want to be and 2. it will help my health.  I am not sure again if those two will be the same or not but we shall see.  And I also like the idea that I can eat what I want every so often.  It would be a miserable existence if I had to cut it all out NOW.  I could do it but it would suck.  I do know that it feels so nice to walk and your gut not flop, and to look down and see your gut going away.  And to put your hands on your hips and feel it going down.  It totally inspires me to continue on and keep going.  And I am fitting in 1 to 2 sizes smaller shirts.  I haven’t fit in those in forever!

Ok on to some other news.  School is back in.  I know this semester is going to suck.   There is a lot of reading in one of my classes and the other is starting on my Master’s research paper.  I need to have the first part of that done by the 24th and I am still swirling around the topic in my head.  I am at a loss.  I will get it I hope.

Remember how we got to see Rob Thomas in June?  Well guess what?  He is going to be around here close again and we have PIT seats this time!  Holy smokes!  She got us seats to see him again.  Only my daughter!  I cannot wait for this!  I hope he signs again after the show.  I know we already got to meet him once but I wish I could do it again.  And maybe a pic this time!  That would blow my mind…..

EVEN more news:  I know y’all have frequently read about me posting something about the Impractical Jokers.  I have never in my life watched a TV show that can make me laugh that much.  I have seen funny stuff, don’t get me wrong.  They are just on a different level of funny and I love it.  Anyway, they are touring this fall, and we have been waiting for this.  We have FRONT ROW PIT SEATS WITH A MEET AND GREET!  HOLY SMOKES!  I am so excited I cannot wait!  Y’all thought I was going to be nervous to see Rob and get a chance to meet him, y’all ain’t seen nothing yet!  Somehow I kept it together with Rob.  I do say that I drive along and it occurs to me frequently that I have MET Rob Thomas and I have met Isaac Slade TWICE.  It just boggles my head.  🙂   I hope I don’t have a spazz of some sort when I get to meet them.  Just an FYI, I love them all but Q is my favorite.  I am sure my daughter will video my reaction especially if it turns out that I have a tizzy.  Ha!  My daughter was determined that at any cost we were going to see and meet the Impractical Jokers.  And we are.  🙂

Tomorrow our #Alittlebitofeverything link-up party will open.  Please invite all your friends that blog and retweet for us!  We want to see everyone who blogs join in.  It is a wonderful way to meet new people and find some awesome blogs to read.  I have read so many good blogs out there!  I have a blast every week doing this with Iveth from over at fortheloveto.com.  Stop by and say hi to Iveth.  And if you would, say a prayer for her and her family. I think the world of her and want to thank her again for inviting me to help with her link-up!   Information on the link-up including my featured blogger will be posted here tomorrow.  We hope to see y’all there!

I think I have rattled long enough.  I will have more later in the week I am sure.  I just don’t have as much time as I did but I will blog when I can.  Have a great night y’all!


Weight going DOWN!

Hi y’all!  Today I had to take one more trip to finish my job training.  I was glad this was over with today.  I will be able to get on a normal work schedule that will not drive me mad.  I had to walk after I got home.  It was 85 degrees and we walked 40 minutes for 2.13 miles.  I had the sweat pouring but I got it done! You remember that hill I was talking about that I always take a break on?  I took a 3 second, count it 3 second pause today.  It did’t even count as a break!  I don’t know if I have gotten that much better at the hill or was just hot  I think it was both.  Still using the hand weights too.  All in all it was a good walk.  I powered up the last 2 hills like there was no tomorrow.

I had to stop at the Dr today to pick up my prescription so I weighted myself.  I am down 3 more pounds for a total of 24 since this started 10 weeks ago.  Yay!  I know that don’t seem like much butt I am losing a pound a week which is what they recommend–1 or 2 a week!  Clothes are still fitting good.  I put on a pair of capris I could not fit in a few months ago.  Tshirts too.  I am having no issues walking and the hills are getting easier.  I am so thankful for the changes.  And it isn’t always about how much weight you are losing.  It is also about how better you feel and stuff like that.  I am getting there!  This week and last week have been hard because I have not been home much.  But after this week  I am going to tighten the carbs again and cut some portions down too.  That will help along with the walking.  The key is consistency and I see that now.  And also the fact that I had some dumplings and some cake is irrelevant.  You have to have some of the things you like occasionally because if you can’t then what is the point?  It also cuts cravings so you don’t eat a whole cake or a whole pot of dumplings the next time you come in contact with them.

Ok so the main reason for all of these changes, which I haven’t really gone into and if I have, forgive me, is hyperglycemia.  That translates into high blood sugar.  It isn’t diabetes, but if it isn’t gotten under control it will turn into this.  It is also known as pre-diabetes.  I decided to test my fasting sugar and other times of the day to see how things affect me.  I asked the nurse today what it needed to be and 120 or less on fasting is good.  I usually am under that.  If I go by the book it needs to be under 110.  I will defeat this.  I will be healthy and a side effect of this will be looking cute after it is all said and done.

I need  to catch up on my 30 day challenge.  I forgot to put it in last time and my daughter reminded me of it.  Here goes:

Day 2–Talk about your piercings or tattoos if you have any.  I have three holes on the left, three on the right and one up at the top on my left so I have 7 holes in my ears.  I only wear the one on the top of the left ear.  I try to wear the others but the thing is even if I wear sensitive earrings my ears still turn red and break out  I am not sure what the deal is but I hope to find some soon that won’t irritate me so much.

Day 3–My favorite television program  Oh boy.  Here we go.  It will for sure have to be programS.  Ok, I will start with my two favorites.  Impractical Jokers.  I love to laugh.  This show seriously puts me to the point where I cannot breathe watching it.  That is all they needed to win my heart.  Idiotest. I love a show that is hilarious and makes me think.  And who don’t love Ben Gleib?  NCIS, Major Crimes, Rizzoli and Isles, Bold and the Beautiful, Days of our Lives, Bizarre Foods, Jeopardy, Big Bang Theory, Mom, The Odd Couple, you know, things that mostly make me laugh.  There are others but my brain is stalling.

And again for Twitter.  I tweeted to Idiotest and they favorited my tweet!  I love it!  I love it because they take the time to acknowledge their fans.  How awesome is that!

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Seriously, how cool is this?  I love it!

This is about all I have for now.  I have some stuff coming up tomorrow that I would like for whoever reads this to say a prayer for us.  God will know the need.  Thank you!  Have a great night y’all!


All Sorts of Madness!! Walking, Turtles, Frogs and Lawnmowers

Hi y’all!  Today we walked 47 minutes for 1.76 miles.  It was coming a monsoon today so we had to walk with our umbrellas so there was no using the hand weights.  Hopefully in the morning we can go back to that.  There were some hard storms that moved through up in northern Indiana but they settled down by the time they got here.  I had started to develop one of those nasty headaches that hit in behind your eye and drive you nuts and I was not interested in staying up all night with storms so I thank God for that.  Oddly enough after that, I slept so good!

We talked about a variety of things today on our walk but the funniest thing was Annie had all these wires connected in her pockets today.  She had a larger set of headphone and a larger wire there than the usual headphones she uses and then she had a wire running to her portable charger in her back pocket that was connected to her phone!  I told her she looked like she was all wired up for medical tests of some sort!

So we ran into a turtle crossing the road on the way down the road.  From up high it looked like a ladybug.  We wanted to see if it ever crossed when we came back but it was moving and trying to go.  I took a few pics of it.  I also saw a very tiny frog and it was moving but it was hard to get a pic.  I’ll post what I took but not sure how clear it is.  We saw the remains of a turtle that had been smashed a couple of dead frogs.  Amazing how much stuff is dead on the pavement that we never see when we are in the car.

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I have been really concerned with putting weight back on. I keep thinking that everything I have lost I have put on.  Derek tells me to stop being paranoid.  I was talking to my aunt and we decided that in order to actually gain the 20 pounds back that I have lost, it would, OBVIOUSLY, be impossible to gain it all back in a day without being sick.  I think I am doing ok.  She also told me that some weeks I won’t lose anything and other times I will and she had done that very thing.  I just feel disgusted because I feel like I am getting no where although I know I am.  I feel changes and I can for sure feel differences in how my clothing fits and how I walk and my energy level.  I just need to keep doing what I am and not worry.  This is week 7 of diet and 6 of exercise so I have a long way to go.  I will get there.  It is too early yet to determine that all I am doing is for nothing and it won’t be if I stay clear headed, dedicated and keep going.

And just like my exercise routine I also have a blogging routine.  I think I had talked about it a little yesterday that I really enjoyed blogging and writing.  I set time aside every day to write and post it out there so others can read it.  It is so exciting to me!  It was so exciting that I had a dream about it last night.  I don’t exactly remember the whole dream but I remember we were going somewhere and we went in the wrong lanes and I remember turning around and going back and the main thing was, I was going to put that in my notes so I could blog about it later IN MY DREAM!  I must be grooving hardcore on writing if I am having dreams about it too!  And like I said yesterday I keep notes so I can remember what I want to write on later. When I blog our kitten sits on my shoulder.  I did feel like Ace Ventura earlier, I had two dogs and a kitten on me, and when I sat down to the computer I had a kitten, a dog and another cat that wrapped its tail around the computer screen.  The kitten likes to get on you and root down behind you or in the top or your shirt.  I sure do love all our critters.  🙂

Speaking of stuff that I love, Derek’s computer fouled up on him last night.  The computer screen went out.  He took the battery out and all and it didn’t fix it.  I got it this morning and let it set for a while to see if it was going to come on so I then took the battery out and it didn’t want to come out . Once I got it out and back in, it worked.  I can only figure that when he did, it didn’t go in right or something.  I am not sure.  I spend more time fixing computers for people than web designing.  I love it all.  And like writing, I get all giddy with the web design and fixing them.  There is nothing on a computer than can’t be fixed or backed out of, I don’t care how serious it looks.  Unlike life, there are so many things in computers and writing that can be edited or deleted or backspaced out of.  Wish life was like that sometimes.  I am so into computers and writing that I end up using that terminology to describe my life and stuff.  Remember a few blogs ago I was talking about reprogramming my life and my choices and stuff?  Yeah.  You get it.  Anyway, you would think that being in technology like I am that I would groove on new technology but some of it not so much.  I love the Apple stuff.  That is awesome.  In fact I think I may buy a Macbook very soon, just so I have straight Apple across the board.  Washers though are another story.  I had used one of the high-efficiency ones and I hated it.  It was just ignorant.  I didn’t smell the softener like you do when you use a regular washer. There are just some things that the old model is the best and that is one of them.  Our poor washer now expresses its dislike every time it is used.  Someday it will be retired.  Hope it can keep hobbling until then.

Today was supposed to be National Best Friends day.  I reposted a thing on Twitter to my daughter because she is truly my best friend.  Kids grow up and they end up becoming the best friends you have.  I think that is just wonderful.  My son and husband are too, but you know how guys are.  They don’t do all this mushy stuff.

So a week from tomorrow is our Rob Thomas concert.  OMG the closer I get the more excited I get!  That is going to be a blast.  Second row!!  I can’t wait. We should be getting our VIP packages in the mail this week for Rob Thomas.  In July we have another good one too.  We are going to see Train and The Fray and we get to meet The Fray!  That is going to be a hoot!!  That will be as cool as can be to actually meet Isaac Slade.  I hope to have a few more pounds off by then so I don’t look like a cow.

This is random but I think I will find someone to tweet to on Twitter again this week and see if they will respond.  That was so cool when Ben Gleib tweeted back to me last week.  I will keep you posted.

I saw a pic on another blog I follow about a 30 day writing challenge.  I decided I would do it too.  The first thing it says to do is list 10 things that make you really happy.  Here goes and in no particular order:

1. my kids

2. my husband

3. writing

4. my pets

5. good food

6. Impractical Jokers

7. shopping

8. good days

9. achieving a goal

10. knowing that someday I won’t be fat!

That is the only one for today.  Tomorrow should be interesting too  And speaking of interesting, we have been needing a lawnmower.  A friend of ours has one we are going to buy when we get the money but before then he dug out one that they aren’t using and is going to let us have it.  I am going to go get it tomorrow.  Thank you Bill.  Wish there were more people in this world like you.  Not just for lawnmowers but it would make it a better place.  How cool would it be if everyone cared for everyone else in the same level of emotion that we all cared for ourselves and our own family?  Keep wishing.  I will probably hit that 7 figure income that I keep saying I’m gonna make someday before that happens. But if it did…..wow.

I have rambled on and on today.  Hope y’all have a great night and we will talk tomorrow!


Snakes, Cats and Snake Whisperers

Hi y’all!  It has been raining here like crazy.  We did get our walk in, 1 hour 7 minutes and 2.12 miles.  It was an eventful walk today.  Jeffrey decided he was going to go with us.He also said he wanted to walk with us over the summer.  So we gathered up umbrellas and took off.  Today we had two cats walking with us, Zippy and Jetty.  They actually went all the way out and back with us and we didn’t have to carry them.  So on the first part of the walk we stumbled over a dead snake.  Not sure what type it was but it was dead.  Jeffrey even said the head had been ripped off.  We walked on and took off on the second part of the walk.  The cats of course took off with us and there happened to be a car coming.  Jetty disappears when he hears a car but Zippy was impossible to be herded.  The car had to slow down because she was daring around like a pinball machine ball.  They eventually drove on by but the look they gave really said that they didn’t believe that cats will walk with us like dogs!  Well, only me.  Anyway we started back on the last part of the walk and there was a huge worm in the middle of the road.  I stepped over it and Jeffrey came up to it and said it was a snake because it was standing up.  It didn’t stand up when I almost stepped on it.  Annie looked at it and decided it was a snake too.  We attempted to get it to move and it wouldn’t.  Snakewhisperer Jeffrey got a stick and shooed it off the road.  It was pink on top and really rose-pink underneath.  It tried to get away from him but he told it “no, get over there” because you know all, all snakes speak English.  Then Jetty and Zippy came back and attempted to take care of it and he shooed them away and told them no.  The snake tried to slither on up the way but he ended up safe in the weeds.  I had no idea Jeffrey had that in him. He loves all animals (we all do) and that is due to our love for them at our house. (You ever seen the thing on Facebook that says the only regret that I have is not having enough room to save all the homeless cats in the world?  Yeah that is us.) So we continued on our way back over the dead snake and then I almost stepped on an orange lizard.  It was the cutest thing ever!  It ended up trying to play dead because we were freaking it out, stomping all around it and taking pictures of it.  IMG_0660 IMG_0672

Annie napped a while and we took off to the thrift stores. We hadn’t been in a while and every now and again you can really find something good.  St. Vincent’s was getting ready to close but I found a few low sugar, low carb cookbooks and a shake weight.  Yes folks, a shake weight.  Not sure why but I have always wanted one of those.  As ignorant as it looks, it may really help me tone my arms.  Or make me look more ignorant than I can even possibly accomplish on my own.  Either way, I hope it helps.  We went to Goodwill too but there was nothing there at all that appealed to us.  I am also looking for a sugar-free buttermilk pie recipe and so far what I have seen is use the same amount of Splenda as sugar.  If anyone has any suggestions, please comment!  We ate supper at Denny’s and yes I had my favorite.  I went way over my carbs but I don’t plan on doing this much.  I did drink tea with sweetener and that was good.  And of course we wrapped up the day with Wal-Mart.  I have also been grooving on the Hawaiian Punch Sugar Free mix for water bottles so I bought more of that and more water.  It truly is as sweet as sugar.  We had a good day.

Let me tell you the story of Annie.  She got pulled over the other night on her way to work.  Apparently they were looking for specific colored pick-up trucks that had been involved in smashing mailboxes.  She said the cop was very cheery and when she couldn’t find her license, he just wrote her plate number down and let her go.  Obviously she was not the person.  She knows better than that.  She said she almost told the cop to call her mom.  🙂  No explanation is needed there.

Our morning schedule has changed quite a bit since we have added the walking.  I get Jeffrey on the bus and try to take my meds and eat before she gets home from work.  Then we take off and walk our hour or whatever.  She eats her breakfast when we get back and we play Random Impractical Jokers.  I select them on the DVR, and since there will be no new ones until July (gasp–cry–sniff sniff), I run the selector bar and up and down and look away and we shout out to stop and randomly start one.  It is a good game with excellent results.  You may try it sometime with any show.  Then she goes to bed and I fix lunch for Derek and start our lunch later which we don’t need ready until mid-afternoon.  Boring it may seem but it is what we do.  I am just glad I have figured out a way to work exercise in.

As promised, here are more entries from Caringbridge.  There are so many other things I would like to say about all this but I will blog another post on it specifically after I finish all the Carinbridge entries.  The next four seem short so I will put all of them here. It seemed like I wrote more when we were there but I also know what a job it was to stay alert and with the program. I have also caught several spelling errors but I am leaving them as I had posted them  I know this may make no sense but this event completely changed and directed our lives, even up until now.  I feel it is just important to share it with those who may either need the encouragement or would like to know what happened to get us to where we are now.

Just a few things I have been trying to remember to post.  Some people want to know what he can or can’t have here.  No fruit/vegetables, and no fresh flowers.  Most everything else would be ok.  We as the family can pretty well have what we need to in order to be here but we have to really watch what he has now that the chemo has started.  Yesterday was his first official day of chemo.  His treatments started about 1am and didn’t really end until around 2PM.  He has been sooo, soooo sick.  I didn’t expect that this early.  It just now struck me this may be a repeat of some of yesterday–sorry if it is.  Just bear with me, I am not with the program on some things.  He livened up around 4 or so.  He at some food, then had a whole McFlurry and 2 cans of Spaghettio’s before he went to bed, and some candy in the middle of the night.  Unfortunately the candy and Spaghettio’s were not kind when the chemo started again.  He has been up a bit. and has been sick twice but again they gave him the meds that knocks the nausea but puts him out.  As bad as I hate to say it, that is looking like the best way for him to deal with this at this point.  He is whiney at times, but for the most part, he was over there being social like he always is until the chemo kicked in.  As of right now he is snoozing and only waking up to pee or something.  He has another round of chemo around 1 this afternoon and if he feels like it then I am gonna take him out to the waiting room to see family.  Again I want to thank you for all your love and support! 

I missed a day there trying to get some stuff accomplished.  You would all be amazed at the amount of papers to fill out, things to send in, meetings and educational opportunities they have.  They told me yesterday that his leukemia count was going down.  That was excellent news!  But this morning, his bone marrow tests came back and they show that he is in the low risk category for treatment and he will not need a bone marrow transplant!  This increases his chances of survival to 70%!  What a great Christmas present!!!!  His leukemia count is still going down and is still responding to chemo well.  He has been up, playing UNO and playing on the computer and he ate a slice of cheese pizza!  I am sooo happy!  Thank you all for the prayers and love and support!  As soon as I know more I will post it!  Thank you all so much!!!

Hello again!  Jeffrey is continuing to respond well to the chemo treatments.  The percentage of blasts in his blood went from 23% on Tuesday to 4% on Wednesday, with blasts being what should always register as 0.  He is starting to get restless, grumpy and yelling and screaming where everyone can hear him all over the floor.  I know he wants to go home, but I need to research the chemo to see if that happens to either be a side effect, or if it is affecting his Strattera.  He tends to act like this when he is either preparing to be sick or when he is tired as well, so this will take a bit for me to figure out what, if anything than the obvious, is causing it.  Otherwise he was up, played Scrabble yesterday afternoon, ate chips and drank orange pop at 2AM today.  He is hanging in there and doing well from what  I can tell.  I want to thank everyone for all they are doing and sending.  I don’t have time to name everyone here, but in the future there will be a post of thanks for everything everyone has done.  Again I want to thank you for all the love and support! 

Happy New Year!  Woo hoo!  Well it is almost New Year’s Day.  I realized I haven’t updated in a while so here goes. 

Just a short update up until Monday—Jeffrey would start out every morning by being ill.  In the evening, he would eat a little but not much.  He was told if he didn’t pick up he would have to go on the bagged nourishment.  Well over the weekend, when he would get sick, he would go ahead and try to eat as much as he could in the PM.  He did very well and kep everything down.  They thought a blood culture had some sort of oddity in it, but they retested it and it came back clear.  In the process of that, an antibiotic they started him on had irritated him and his skin had broken out in a rash.  As time went on, they discontinued this antibiotic, and the rash cleared but came back, especially under his dressing.  They also say this rash is a side effect of low platelets, but as of today they are going to start him on a regular allergy med to help with the itching. 

Monday was Jeffrey’s last chemo treatment for this round!  Woo hoo!  This means we are getting one step closer to going home for a while.  He was still pukey up until Tuesday, but Wednesday he ate all day long and didn’t puke except when he gulped his drink too fast.  Everything he is eating he has kept down!  His ANC has finally fell to 0, and when that happens they say the kids tend to sleep more and they say it feels as if they have the flu.  So far, not Jeffrey.  He has been up and running the halls the last three days.  We went to the New Year’s countdown until 12noon party in the lobby today.  He got to meet 2009 Olympic gold medalist Bridget Sloan.  I have a picture that I will post later when I get time.  The last three days have been very days!  I expect he will wear himself down before the numbers come up, but as long as we want roam, roam we shall do! 

I went ahead and researched some things, and others I have wanted to research a bit more.  Jeffrey has leukemia, the AML type, and that is also classified into types.  The type he has is M2.  So far, everything I have read on M2 states that it has a better outlook for recovery as opposed to some of the others in the list, the list being M0 to M7.  The Dr. said this was the “good kind” to have.  That is good news as well that he has the treatable type.   The Dr. also this type was also referred to as t 8,21 which means translocation in your chromosomes 8 and 21, if I have understood that correctly. 

The amount of information thrown at you during these times is so immense, and I am usually good at keeping everything straight.  I also learned how to change his dressing earlier in the week, and I will be shown how to change the caps on his central line as well as flush it.  

I will be a long time trying to thank everyone for all they have done for us, and continue to do for us.  So, I shall start here, by saying thank you for all the love, support, and help during this time!  All of us appreciate it very very much!   

This is all for today.  I have church tomorrow and I teach Sunday school to the kids so I better get rested up.  I hope y’all have a great night and a Blessed Sunday!


Hi everyone!  Today was a typical Friday so far.  Had to run to the store for my Mom and pick Jeffrey up at school.  I usually wait until then so he can help me get her stuff together.  Didn’t see anything too mind boggling while we were out today.  This morning my Annie and I walked 2.05 miles for 1 hour and 5 minutes I believe.  It was tougher this morning.  It was muggy out when we walked and it was really bothering me.  I get so hot though.  Not sure why I get that way but I can smother just sitting.  Anyway maybe getting some weight off will help that.  Knowing me, it will bother me more because that is just how things go.

Since this all has happened I think I have mentioned that I have had to make some serious changes. It is just weird how all of a sudden my tastes and things have changed.  I absolutely enjoy water with the flavors in it.  I almost crave it.  They are all sugar-free but somehow they taste like there is real sugar in it.  The tea I make I make in the coffee pot and I put Splenda in it and it is as sweet as sugar.  I don’t notice it at all.  Splenda or the generic version that I use has almost no bitter taste or nasty aftertaste.  In fact I have bought liquid of it to take with me if I need to use it. Plus now I have a never-ending tea-pot!  Yay!

I know to some that walking for about an hour every day and doing around 1-2 miles doesn’t seem like much.  Let me just describe how far I have come.  We went to a Reds game a couple of weeks ago.  The parking lot we park in is a little ways from the stadium and we have to walk.  So walking in I end up dragging behind everyone.  I am huffing and puffing and just cannot keep up.  I start mouthing off that we need a golf cart because I am old and fat.  A lady coming up beside me agreed wholeheartedly because she couldn’t do it either!  Well now, I can go up and down these hills out here, on foot, with minimal huffing and puffing.  I can catch my breath and keep going.  I don’t stop to rest on the hills nor do I dread them.  It may seem so simple and not so much but for me it is a monumental accomplishment.  I can’t wait to see if i huff and puff on the way into the next Reds game.

With that let me tell you about the last game we were at.  It was raining.  We had hoped it wouldn’t rain.  So we sat and waited most of the day in the rain because they thought they could start the game at 330.  Well no.  They cancelled it around 5 PM or so.  So I took some awesome pics this time.  I happened to get over where they were doing Reds live and took several pics.  I also took several of the kids and the two lone umbrellas  I will post below the kids waiting on us.  We went ahead and set up the DVR to record the game while we were there and oh my what we found!  Derek and I were shown sitting in the rain!  I will see if I can find that and post it here too.  The kids were sitting between us and had just gotten up to go get something to eat.  Good times, and we will get to go to the rescheduled game when they figure out the date.

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I can’t get the video to upload but there is a picture of it. The bottom pic is Derek and I, what they ran on TV. You can see I have it paused on the picture of us. My poncho was completely over my knees to keep my iPhone, iPad and stuff dry.  It was almost impossible but those things stayed dry.  The first one, the girl and boy on the right of the photo are Annie and Jeffrey waiting on the ballplayers to sign autographs and the middle is Reds Live and the next one, the two umbrellas in the middle by themselves are Jeffrey and Annie.

I had to run to the drug store today and I had my Murr & Sal & Joe & Q shirt on.  One of the ladies there actually knew what my shirt meant!  Holy smokes!  I haven’t run into anyone who has known yet.  Y’all are missing out.  I will let you chew on that one.  I will put up a blog in the future or maybe later in this one about all my comedy loves.  That may take a whole blog actually.

So yesterday I had started a blog that talked about Jeffrey having leukemia.  I had published it before I was ready really but I am going to continue on with it a bit and start adding my Caringbridge entries too.  I had blogged those when he was sick.  I may put one a day until I have all of them on there.  I didn’t blog much but I did longer posts mostly so I could tell the whole thing at once.  I just feel like I need to continue talking about that and who am I to argue with my gut.

Here are the first two entries that I made on Caringbridge.  I haven’t read these for a while so it will be interesting for me to re-read them as I go.

I am sure some of you are wondering just how did we come to this conclusion.  It was just by chance.  I  took Jeffrey to the DR because we thought he had an infected tooth, and to get his medication prescription refilled.  The DR thought he looked a little pale and decided to do bloodwork on him.  The next day, Wednesday, they call and tell us that they have found something wrong with his blood that could possibly be leukemia and to get to the Riley ER as soon as we could and not to delay, go there that day!  We get him here, and Riley’s blood tests match up to what the DR office found, and they believe it to be a type of blood cancer but did not want to put a name on it until a bone marrow test was done the following day.  He did really well with the bone marrow test and didn’t have much pain and in fact I could say he didn’t complain at all.  He did the easier type of sedation for it.  Early afternoon they came in and told us that he did for sure have leukemia and the type they believed it to be at that time, AML, does not have a good prognosis but he will be treated for it fast since it is a fast moving cancer.  They say kids recover faster than adults who have the AML type,  and the majority of the kids are in remission when they leave the hospital.  They are going to discuss the diagnosis, treatment and other options and things with us today.  This morning he went for an EKG and an ultrasound of his heart.  This afternoon he will be getting a central line in, and having his first dose of chemo.  The first round will be 28 days long, and they should tell me today just how many days of chemo it will consist of.  As soon as I know anything else, I will post it!  Thank you for your love, care and thoughts!  It is all very much appreciated!
Yesterday was a very long and tiring day.  The day went so fast with hardly no time in between things that were going on.  Jeffrey was taken in early for an ultrasound of his heart and an EKG.  They needed to check it due to toxins in chemo that affect the heart in a negative way.  We no sooner than got back to the room they came to take us to OR.  He had his central line put in and they drew some spinal fluid, and if I understood correctly, it was to test to see if there was any cancerous cells in the fluid.  While he was having surgery the Dr.’s came and consulted with us, explaining that it is indeed AML type leukemia, and explained exactly what would be happening during his treatments and that he would get an additional drug in two of his blocks of treatment that was a combination of an antibiotic and an antibody, which will latch on to the bad white cells and the antibiotic will then fight the cancer.  Grandma Crowder, Aunt Rheta, Aunt Robin and cousin Lacey came to see him yesterday and toward the end of the day, the nurses let him come out to the waiting room to visit a while.  He has to wear a mask and stuff, due to infection risk.  When his white count goes to zero, he is at such high risk that a paper cut that becames infected could be fatal if not tended to properly.  Jeffrey received some gifts yesterday before I got back, and some balloons from my coworker Martha.  Thank you Martha!  Then Santa Claus found me at Wal Mart and I returned with several presents for him.  At 1AM this morning they started his chemo.  He has three separate types today, and should be complete for the day at 11:30AM.  It will begin again around 1AM.  He is sick.  So very very sick.  I have never seen him in this level of sickness before. And I didn’t really realize that chemo will hit him like this this fast.   I knew it would make him sick, and very sick, and knew he could get sick today, but nothign like this.   He at this time has finally konked off.  I tried to encourage him to rest about 2 hours ago but he, as Jeffrey is, wanted to argue and fight.  I tried to explain, he will be far more tired if he won’t rest.  Apparantly, he finally agreed with me.  He went to sleep before they gave him the stronger of the nausea meds which will keep him sleeping for a while, and in other kids it makes them fidgety.  I think he will do better if he goes ahead and sleeps some of this off.  I hope he is hungry this evening.  I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to post to the guestbook or whatever you may have done.  I am having a hard time keeping up with all of the emails and things, which isn’t typical of me I know.  In case anyone wanted to know, his room has been moved to 5124, and some have wanted an address.
Jeffrey Crowder–Room 5124
Riley Hospital for Children
702 Barnhill Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Thank you all so much for the love and support!  —-Stacey

Remember this is from 2009-2010, not today.

It looks like it may storm so I better shut this off for today.  Have a good night!

Writer’s Block

Writer’s block–not sure why but I figured I would start with this.  What a concept for starting a blog!  Let me give some background here and I will properly address the writer’s block.  My daughter and I have been walking for a while now or at least it seems that way.  While we walk I can think of a zillion things I would like to talk about or record or whatever.  Now here I sit, finally after convincing myself that this would be a good idea, and I can’t think of a thing.  So writer’s block was born.

I do find however after I get my fingers moving that tends to fade away.  The whole point of this blog is to document our crazy thoughts and our goal to become healthy.  Several people watch that on Facebook as I am always posting something on there about our walking adventure.   But there are things I do leave out, like the things we see when we walk and all the craziness we come up with.  That will have to go here.  I also ask myself who in the world wants to read my crazy thoughts?  Someone I hope.  Someone important.  Someone somewhat important.  Someone no one knows.  Me.  We shall see.

We have got to get ourselves healthy.  After spending most of my life as a chubby girl, it is time to fix this.  The DR says so too.  Too many big words there at the last visit that will, at the time I thought, unfortunately have to be changed.  I am 15 days in and I am feeling so much better.  Low carb with exercise he says since I detest fruits and veggies.  Yay.  I accomplished this by cutting out all added sugar, except for my cinnamon sugar butter on my low carb bread in the morning.  I will not hammer on that one just yet.  Life is still going, although I thought it would just shrivel up without the sugar and sweetened drinks.  I did figure out the key to good tea with sweetener and boy am I grooving on that!  Anyway, it is hard to cut carbs out of regular food.  I understand the bread and taters (yes I said taters) and those things but in green beans?  BBQ sauce without sugar in it?  What in the world kind of madness is that?  The only other alternative I have is just to cut them down as much as possible and I think I have.  I really limit my intake.  I am losing weight says the scales at the DR office so that is awesome.  I am trying not to look at food like the enemy because we have had such a loving relationship, but I have to make it work for me.  I am into the computer stuff, so I am looking at this as a challenge and a way to just reprogram my operating code.  It works for me.

I am also pursuing a Master’s degree in Electronics and Computer Technology.  My GPA total is 3.6.  I can take that although that class this semester drove me nuts.  I am sure that won’t be the only one.  My brother was one of my influences as to why I started this.  He has inspired me for years to be all I can be and I am taking that to heart.  My professors also.  I had two of the best at VUJC and this mess is all their fault too (mess as in a good thing). They inspired me to do all I can and I could do anything I want.  I have.  But I thank all three of them for molding me into who I am and not giving up on me.  I remember a conversation I had with another professor there.  She was talking to me and one of my good friends about what we wanted to do with ourselves.  I told her I wanted to do what her husband does, who happened to be my computer professor and one that I am referring to above.  She told me there would be a lot of writing and other stuff involved.  She wasn’t kidding!  But I have this.  Writing doesn’t scare me.  🙂

Before I end this, I must talk about my kids.  I know everyone says they have the most awesome kids in the world but I really do.  Jeffrey, he is a leukemia survivor.  Yes he whipped it!  He has the biggest heart of gold that there ever was in a kid.  He has been known to do things such as take his Christmas money and buy something for someone else.  He even wants to take a part-time job so I can stay home, he says. We play games and act a fool most every day.  He is just my baby and I love him to the moon and back.  According to my friend, my daughter has raised the bar of gift giving to mothers the world over.  She gave me Maroon 5 tickets for Christmas, and Rob Thomas tickets for my birthday.  The one she is determined to get though is meet and greet with the Impractical Jokers.  I can’t wait for that.  Anyway, all that stuff aside, when I came home from the DR office, and oddly enough she had gone with me, when we sat down and discussed what I was going to have to do she asked, “Do you want me to do it with you?”  Talk about a true friend.  She has done it all with me.  Inspires me to walk every day.  And checks how the eating is going.  She will be 20 and still lives here and doesn’t have to do any of this, but I am so thankful she does.  I love her to the moon and back too.  I would never make it without both of them since they complete me so much. I can’t forget the hubby.  He doesn’t say much about the health issues because you all know how husbands are.  He does tell me to keep a watch on it and take care of myself.  Out of a husband, that speaks volumes.  🙂

And tonight, NCIS may bring me to screams.  A main character goes? Oh dear I dread that one.  It better not be Tony or Gibbs or Abbie.

PS Remember this may be grammatically incorrect.  My thoughts don’t always adhere to rules.  🙂