Ahhh, walking! A featured blogger too???

The Blog Centre
Hi y’all!  It is been a bit since I have done a regular walking post but I have one today.  Don’t panic, I promise I am going to do The Fray post but I am just waiting on them to get our picture out there so I can download it.  After that,  I will post it and it will be a long one so be ready.  🙂  So today we walked, or I anyway, a total of 2.29 miles including all I walked earlier at the District Assembly for my church.  This evening we did 33 minutes, in 88 degree weather, which was a real feel of 91 degrees.  That is hot for a fat girl!  But I took the weights and got it done, but we avoided the big hill since it was so hot today. That is ok though.  Zippy, one of our outside cats, went with us.  She is a hoot.  She walked the whole thing.  That is good,  Jeffrey walked with me today.  Annie had her hours at work changed so she is trying to get in that groove before the change actually happens.  I have another day of the District Assembly tomorrow and then I go back to work Thursday.  I think I am going to be able to really groove on this schedule!
Remember a few weeks ago we changed our walking route due to that thing snorting at us in the woods?  This has caused me to have to walk up huge hills, which isn’t a bad thing, but it has.  So today, because it was so hot, we decided to walk the driveway so I could get my time in and not overheat myself on a hill.  As we start down the driveway, I tell Jeffrey that there is something down there off the left side of the road that snorts at you.  He of course said he would take care of it, started down the driveway kicking up gravel and hooping.  He takes a few more steps, stops, turns to me and tells me he can hear it.  He thinks it sounds like a duck quacking.  I don’t think so.  I think it may be a deer snorting at us but it seems odd that at all times of the day, many weeks apart, it would be in the SAME spot snorting up a storm.  He walked over to the edge of the woods and tried to see it.  I, I know go ahead and laugh, think we have a bigfoot.  Or something very strange that can’t seem to remove itself.  It hasn’t come after us yet but the next time I get down there I am going to record it snorting and see if someone can tell me what it is.  He decided he would take care of it if it bothered us.  I guess with Jeffrey with me I don’t have to worry about anything, snakes or serial snorters included.
Let me catch up on my 30 day challenge.  I forgot where I was.
Day 7–How you came across tumblr and how your life has changed.  I have to admit I don’t do anything with tumblr.  Maybe I should.  I don’t know.
Day 8–Are you a fitness guru or a couch potato?  Talk about your exercise habits.  Well I don’t think that needs much explanation.  I try to walk for at least 30 minutes every day.  This has made a huge impact on how I walk, when I walk, and all sorts of other things that I never thought possible.  So, I would say I am in the middle.  I am converting to a fitness nut but at a pace that won’t kill me.  I want to do more and will start to do so.
Now on to the most awesome part of the day—-I am a featured blogger on The Blog Centre!  I am so honored to have been chosen for this.  I have really enjoyed being a part of The Blog Centre and I thank them for allowing me to be!  Here is the link, pop over and check it out!  http://theblogcentre.co.za/  It should be there on the first page but if not click on Feature Me.  I want to thank you so much for featuring me!  I do appreciate it!
I also want to say that I wrote that before I had talked to Sandy Nene, so I also want to say that you and your page would be in the awesome people I have met while blogging question.  Thank you again as well!  And
Debbie from myrandommusings.blogspot.com and Iveth from fortheloveto.com and DomesticatedMomster.com—I have met several awesome people since I wrote that post, so thank you to all of you for talking and reading and linking up with me on posts, Twitter and Facebook!  I look forward to reading more from all of you and getting to know you all better!
I better stop for tonight.  I have an early morning in the morning and I hope  my picture will be posted so I can write about The Fray.  It will be awesome!  Have a great night, y’all!

6 thoughts on “Ahhh, walking! A featured blogger too???”

  1. Ok, so I’m really intrigued about the serial snorter… My curiosity would have gotten the better of me, I would of had to find it to see what it was. Now the suspense is killing me lol I hope to read of mystery solved very soon 😉

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